It's a simple game with easy to follow rules. Just vote no on every piece of legislation President Obama recommends. Do so, even if it comes straight from the Republican handbook of good ideas.
It's no surprise that Massachusetts sent Scott Brown to Washington D.C. One local editorial board called this a wake-up call to end the "rampant spending spree, over-haul of health care at taxpayers' expense, and putting the nation trillions of dollars in debt ("Mass. vote sends wake-up call." Editorial. Idaho Press-Tribune 24 Jan. 2010.)
Could it be a wake-up call for legislators to end partisan politics, and to stop bickering among themselves during a time when we need more than ever to pull together?
Obama is strong. Like the "Energizer Bunny", he won't stop. This is clear in his State of the Union address. He made it clear in Florida, and he made it clear when he met with the Republican House during the Question/Answer session in Baltimore.
Republicans squirmed during their futile attempt to put President Obama down. Watch the video in the above link to get the full picture. It is unlike the FOX News coverage that broke away to their own commentators during the good parts.
What's going to happen now? President has his work cut out just like he did when he inherited this mess. As he promised then, and promises now,"We don't quit."
It requires bipartisan effort to legislate necessary measures. President Obama calls for a robust jobs Bill that gives small business tax credit, investments in infrastructure, and climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.
Republicans are lined up ready to play the game. "Make Obama Fail."
Obama isn't geared for failure, and that's good news. Additional good news will be unproductive legislators losing elections. I grow tired watching stoic, frozen faces of Republicans every time Presidient Obama delivers a speech.
And to be honest, I'm tired of Democrats who waste time bickering instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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