Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Republocrats for All

Accusations that Colin Powell acts like a Democrat is no surprise. Recently, Tom Ridge made the same news. Newt Gingrich is another moderate Republican that raises the hackles of the Republican conservative base.

Idaho Governor Butch Otter was accused of behaving like a Democrat during his fight for Idaho transportation funding during the recent 2009 legislative session. His argument for preventative measures to ward off drastic outcomes and expenses down the road (pun intended) came off like an Al Gore sound bite.

Idaho Representatives Walt Minnick(D) and Mike Simpson(R) cast votes like fraternity brothers who meet up afterwards for a cold one.

Maybe there is something to this Republocrat business. As members of both parties slide to the middle, the conservative base and the liberal base grow smaller and smaller. The teeter-totter becomes balanced. The pull of gravity might as well take a yoga break-Nobody slammed, nobody hurt.

Isn't this exactly what President Obama wants? The two major parties pulling together putting partisan biases and prejudices aside, to work for the good of our country during these troubled times? The economy gets fixed, a chicken and a job in every pot, a health care system that works, global warming stopped in its tracks . . .

Nice, but who will we cuss, blame, rant and rave when things go wrong if everyone is responsible and in agreement?

No need to worry. There will always be radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Ed Schutz, and outspoken politicians like Dick Cheney and Dennis Kucinich. Those who can place blame, take blame, and keep the political dust stirring. I suppose in the long run that's good.

Even so, it would be nice if the dust settled long enough for the Republocrats to put together a good health care system.