Monday, November 23, 2009

Republicans Hell-Bent for Obama Failure

Republicans' mission to make President Obama's campaign promises fail at any cost may prove to be high when it comes to health care reform. They see passage of meaningful health care reform as a victory for President Obama rather than a victory for America.

Voters responded wholeheartedly when Obama campaigned to change health care. Votes came from Republicans, Independents and Democrats. Even in my state where a shocking number of sane appearing people challenge Obama's citizenry and motivation, health care reform continues to be a priority.

Forget what's good for America. Politics come first.

Republicans, blue dog Democrats, and moderate Democrats or Independents from conservative districts must convince constituents that Democrat sponsored legislation is not good for the country.

Let's play the game.

The plan is too costly. It's a government takeover. You'll lose your choice of doctor, you'll never get in to see a doctor. You'll lose the good insurance you now have. Medicare costs will rise, and you'll receive fewer benefits. We have to repair the economy and unemployment first, and we have to pay off the national debt.

Closer to the truth, is it fear of Obama claiming victory, and setting the stage for another term? Or, is it personal fear of not being elected in 2010? Or, is it fear of losing out on some Big Insurance monetary reward?

Let's review what's in the senate health care bill that the above politicians are saving us from:
  • All Americans carry health insurance
  • Government help to make premiums more affordable
  • Ban denying coverage or charging more for those with health problems
  • New insurance markets for self-employed and small businesses
  • New consumer protection to those insured through big employee plans
  • Better prescription coverage for Seniors
Yes, it's about the politics, and my guess is people who voted for the campaign promise of health care reform, and the 31 million people without health insurance will remember who voted against the bill come election time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jay Leno Scoop on Health Care Poop

Actually, to win passage for this health care bill, President Obama went up to Capitol Hill and personally lobbied some of the wavering congressmen. And of course, the health insurance industry, they were very upset. You know, they said they bought and paid for these congressmen, he has no right to go up to them and talk to them.—Jay Leno

Talented comedian, Jay Leno, is popular for his humor that mocks truth, and this joke is no exception. Funny, yes, but . . .

For too many Americans, affordable health care is out of reach. More and more employers are unable to offer quality health care packages to their employees. Tens of millions of people have no health care coverage. The number grows each day. Insurance companies deny coverage to those who are no longer insurable (Translation: no longer healthy). Insurance companies deny life-saving procedures (Translation: loss of profit).

On top of all this, the conservative media machine uses scare tactics spreading lies of government take-over, fascism, Nazis death panels, and more.

Without public health care choice option, there is no real health care reform.

The government gets a bum rap. The government is painted as being wasteful, and threatening. Yet, the government has orchestrated some darn good programs. Let's not count the federal highway system or the Centers for Disease Control. And don't get me started on FDR's programs. What about government-run Medicare, and Social Security?

The health care public option will reform insurance. And that needs to happen. Americans need universal coverage with more choice and lower costs. Otherwise insurance companies will continue to increase premiums, determine who gets covered, and who gets dropped.

Can you tell us Jay, how many congressmen have been bought and paid for by big money insurance? Never mind, I think we're getting it.