Tuesday, February 2, 2010

America loses while Republicans play games

It's a simple game with easy to follow rules. Just vote no on every piece of legislation President Obama recommends. Do so, even if it comes straight from the Republican handbook of good ideas.

It's no surprise that Massachusetts sent Scott Brown to Washington D.C. One local editorial board called this a wake-up call to end the "rampant spending spree, over-haul of health care at taxpayers' expense, and putting the nation trillions of dollars in debt ("Mass. vote sends wake-up call." Editorial. Idaho Press-Tribune 24 Jan. 2010.)

Could it be a wake-up call for legislators to end partisan politics, and to stop bickering among themselves during a time when we need more than ever to pull together?

Obama is strong. Like the "Energizer Bunny", he won't stop. This is clear in his State of the Union address. He made it clear in Florida, and he made it clear when he met with the Republican House during the Question/Answer session in Baltimore.

Republicans squirmed during their futile attempt to put President Obama down. Watch the video in the above link to get the full picture. It is unlike the FOX News coverage that broke away to their own commentators during the good parts.

What's going to happen now? President has his work cut out just like he did when he inherited this mess. As he promised then, and promises now,"We don't quit."

It requires bipartisan effort to legislate necessary measures. President Obama calls for a robust jobs Bill that gives small business tax credit, investments in infrastructure, and climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.

Republicans are lined up ready to play the game. "Make Obama Fail."

Obama isn't geared for failure, and that's good news. Additional good news will be unproductive legislators losing elections. I grow tired watching stoic, frozen faces of Republicans every time Presidient Obama delivers a speech.

And to be honest, I'm tired of Democrats who waste time bickering instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting the job done.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Forget the HINI vaccine, Governor: You need a big shot of optimism

Monday at 1:00 pm MT, Governor Otter presents his State of the State address. If you are hoping for a ray of sunshine, better catch a matinee showing of The Blind Side, instead.

A press release gives a preview of the upcoming address. I watched it on television and believe the purpose of the preview was to ready us for glum, doomesday faces to match Governor Otter's.

Monday we can expect more detail on the requests for a cut in fiscal 2010 state spending; another budget holdback for 2010; and, no growth in the fiscal (July 1st) 2011 budget.

Does anyone see the irony in this? Doesn't no growth in the state translate to no growth in the economy?

C'mon Governor, crawl out of the box. Problems are solved by thinking outside the box, not focusing on the problem itself.

Even though it may not be robust, analysts say the economy will improve in 2010 (Politics AP). We are out of the recession, and we are getting a boost from stimulus money, businesses replacing inventory, and companies that survived the recession are seeing profit.

You let the cat out of the bag, Governor, when you acknowledged there were signs indicating the economy was turning around.

Everyone knows that you know.

Governor Otter, you shared the platform with Boise mayor Dave Bieter welcoming the BSU Broncos back from their great Fiesta Bowl win. Mayor Bieter used the BSU Broncos underdog status(according to pundits) as inspiration for all of us during this time of economic challenge.

We can win.

Roll your sleeve up. Take that shot of optimism. Give us inspiration, hope, and positive solutions.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Republicans Hell-Bent for Obama Failure

Republicans' mission to make President Obama's campaign promises fail at any cost may prove to be high when it comes to health care reform. They see passage of meaningful health care reform as a victory for President Obama rather than a victory for America.

Voters responded wholeheartedly when Obama campaigned to change health care. Votes came from Republicans, Independents and Democrats. Even in my state where a shocking number of sane appearing people challenge Obama's citizenry and motivation, health care reform continues to be a priority.

Forget what's good for America. Politics come first.

Republicans, blue dog Democrats, and moderate Democrats or Independents from conservative districts must convince constituents that Democrat sponsored legislation is not good for the country.

Let's play the game.

The plan is too costly. It's a government takeover. You'll lose your choice of doctor, you'll never get in to see a doctor. You'll lose the good insurance you now have. Medicare costs will rise, and you'll receive fewer benefits. We have to repair the economy and unemployment first, and we have to pay off the national debt.

Closer to the truth, is it fear of Obama claiming victory, and setting the stage for another term? Or, is it personal fear of not being elected in 2010? Or, is it fear of losing out on some Big Insurance monetary reward?

Let's review what's in the senate health care bill that the above politicians are saving us from:
  • All Americans carry health insurance
  • Government help to make premiums more affordable
  • Ban denying coverage or charging more for those with health problems
  • New insurance markets for self-employed and small businesses
  • New consumer protection to those insured through big employee plans
  • Better prescription coverage for Seniors
Yes, it's about the politics, and my guess is people who voted for the campaign promise of health care reform, and the 31 million people without health insurance will remember who voted against the bill come election time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jay Leno Scoop on Health Care Poop

Actually, to win passage for this health care bill, President Obama went up to Capitol Hill and personally lobbied some of the wavering congressmen. And of course, the health insurance industry, they were very upset. You know, they said they bought and paid for these congressmen, he has no right to go up to them and talk to them.—Jay Leno

Talented comedian, Jay Leno, is popular for his humor that mocks truth, and this joke is no exception. Funny, yes, but . . .

For too many Americans, affordable health care is out of reach. More and more employers are unable to offer quality health care packages to their employees. Tens of millions of people have no health care coverage. The number grows each day. Insurance companies deny coverage to those who are no longer insurable (Translation: no longer healthy). Insurance companies deny life-saving procedures (Translation: loss of profit).

On top of all this, the conservative media machine uses scare tactics spreading lies of government take-over, fascism, Nazis death panels, and more.

Without public health care choice option, there is no real health care reform.

The government gets a bum rap. The government is painted as being wasteful, and threatening. Yet, the government has orchestrated some darn good programs. Let's not count the federal highway system or the Centers for Disease Control. And don't get me started on FDR's programs. What about government-run Medicare, and Social Security?

The health care public option will reform insurance. And that needs to happen. Americans need universal coverage with more choice and lower costs. Otherwise insurance companies will continue to increase premiums, determine who gets covered, and who gets dropped.

Can you tell us Jay, how many congressmen have been bought and paid for by big money insurance? Never mind, I think we're getting it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Insurance Dollars Overload Demo Backbones

Whoa! Let's get the right message. It's not going to take a bloodhound to sniff this one out even though a blue dog tries to bury the evidence.

Sen. Max Baucus (MT) throws out the public option in order to get Republican support? Or, Senator Baucus throws out the public option to ensure Big Insurance financial support?

Even though Republicans run a well-organized auto-pilot scare tactics plan, a recent August study shows 77% support choice of public option. And why not? This adds one more choice to what many consider to be a monopoly of two. Floridians recently complained of out of control insurance costs due to only two providers to choose from. Health insurance is a near-monopoly in all states.

Health care reform is the choice of public option. Without public option, there is no reform. The middle of the road health care measure proposed by Senator Baucus is a slap in the face.

Unlike fifteen years ago, the time is now. So what is the hold up?

Republicans who give no support (and don't intend to under this administration) to any health care reform endorsed by Democrats, and Democrats without backbone.

Max Baucus, Kent Conrad, Blanche Lincoln and Thomas Carper received big money from Big Insurance. Was their vote bought and paid? Voters from their respective states will have to decide.

One thing for certain, people of all colors and political persuasions elected President Obama for the promise of major insurance reform. Some in this group lost everything they owned due to catastrophic illness, others lost their insurance when they lost their job. Many were turned down or dropped by insurance companies due to pre-existing conditions. Or treatment was denied. Many of these people live each day in fear that one of their family members will get sick and there is no money for doctor or medicine.

I would not want to be in the shoes of the Democrat who turns back on President Obama's promise, and therefore the people who put him in office.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Idaho Liberal Demos Ready to Drop-Kick Blue Dogs

President Obama ran on health care reform. Change, change, change. And the people voted. Many people who had never voted before did so for the promise of health care reform. Their stories were heard. We listened, and many of us identified with them. Those who couldn't afford insurance. People who lost their insurance, jobs, homes, and all of their savings due to catastrophic illnesses. People labeled uninsurable.

The media proclaimed that everybody wanted health care reform. Translation: health care reform providing every man, woman, and child with affordable, accessable health care. Obama said it could be done, and we believed that it would be done. Turns out we have a couple of problems.

Problem One: Everybody knows exactly how to do it best.

The man on the street, the barber, and patrons of the local coffee shop know the health care reform solution and share it freely. Magazines and newspapers are filled with articles presenting what should be and could be done. Our small town local doctor presented his plan in our weekly newspaper (Foutz, Michael. "Solution in health care debate." Kuna Melba News 12 Aug. 2009: 6)

Problem Two: Politics at its best.

Forget the 50 million uninsured. Forget about non-partisan efforts doing what is best for the nation.

The uninsured weren't included in the reform plan. How many of the first time voters were uninsured and cast their first ballots based on hope and promise of that weight being lifted from their shoulders? Will they vote a second time?

Non-partisan reaching out to solve the nation's health care dilemma apparently meant reaching out for votes. Republicans are quick to scare and incite fear of the existing health reform proposal. One of the biggest targets is the end-of-life paid counselling sessions, a beneficial and helpful service, that would be made available for families. Sarah Palin called them "death panels," and they were unfairly criticised by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), among others. Kathleen Sebelius (Sec. Health and Human Services), hopes the end-of-life sessions will remain intact.

As predicted, the Blue Dog Democrats join the ranks of the dissident Republicans. This creates a sore spot for many Idaho Democrats. It raises the question, Are you looking out for health care needs of Idahoans and the country, or are you looking for votes? As initial health reform promises are being dropped, members of the democratic party may drop-kick a blue dog or two out of office.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Health Care: A Crisis Mandating Reform

The state of the economy predicts more loss of jobs and home foreclosures. The number of uninsured is close to 50 million and growing. It is estimated that current health care's cost to our economy is sixteen per cent or more. Health care costs are out of control, and reform can't wait.

Big name reform advocates include not only AARP, but - hold onto your hat! - phRma and the AMA as well. According to the July Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, the public still supports health care reform.

Why the legislative delay?

What should be a Red White Blue effort to save our country's health care crisis falls into the political quagmire of Red vs Blue. As though this isn't enough, the Blue presents obstacles from within.

Blue dog Democrats insist the proposed legislation is too expensive.

Representative Walt Minnick states that he is "working for a more balanced bill supported by the majority of my constituents." Would the majority of Rep. Minnick's district 1 constituents be Republican?

Do any of the following requirements for a health care bill that a blue dog can support resound of GOP agenda?

  • Fully funded

  • Available to all

  • No "socialized medicine"

  • Reduced cost

If all of the above can't be met at this time, do we follow the precedent established by the last administration and ignore it? Or, do we follow Clinton's lead, make an attempt, then drop it when the going gets tough?

Not on President Obama's watch. He says, "I'm the president . . . this has to get done." The majority of Americans agree.