Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Big Insurance Dollars Overload Demo Backbones

Whoa! Let's get the right message. It's not going to take a bloodhound to sniff this one out even though a blue dog tries to bury the evidence.

Sen. Max Baucus (MT) throws out the public option in order to get Republican support? Or, Senator Baucus throws out the public option to ensure Big Insurance financial support?

Even though Republicans run a well-organized auto-pilot scare tactics plan, a recent August study shows 77% support choice of public option. And why not? This adds one more choice to what many consider to be a monopoly of two. Floridians recently complained of out of control insurance costs due to only two providers to choose from. Health insurance is a near-monopoly in all states.

Health care reform is the choice of public option. Without public option, there is no reform. The middle of the road health care measure proposed by Senator Baucus is a slap in the face.

Unlike fifteen years ago, the time is now. So what is the hold up?

Republicans who give no support (and don't intend to under this administration) to any health care reform endorsed by Democrats, and Democrats without backbone.

Max Baucus, Kent Conrad, Blanche Lincoln and Thomas Carper received big money from Big Insurance. Was their vote bought and paid? Voters from their respective states will have to decide.

One thing for certain, people of all colors and political persuasions elected President Obama for the promise of major insurance reform. Some in this group lost everything they owned due to catastrophic illness, others lost their insurance when they lost their job. Many were turned down or dropped by insurance companies due to pre-existing conditions. Or treatment was denied. Many of these people live each day in fear that one of their family members will get sick and there is no money for doctor or medicine.

I would not want to be in the shoes of the Democrat who turns back on President Obama's promise, and therefore the people who put him in office.

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